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Agricultural Science
Published: 2017-02-19

Light avaliability at the dry and rainy seasons in agrossivicultural system under different fertilizations


S. A. H Abreu

Departamento de Fitotecnia. Aréa de atuação: Produção integrada

M. P. Santos

Departamento de Fitotecnia. Ãrea de atuação: Ecofisiologia

F. N. Calil

Departamento de Engenharia Florestal. Ãrea de atuação: Produção integrada.
Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres

N. P. R. Reges

Departamento de Fitotecnia. Ãrea de atuação: Ecofisologia de culturas perenes.

R. B. Costa

Departamento de Agronomia - Produção Vegetal

P. A. Ximenes

Departamento de Agronomia - Produção Vegetal

P. P. Cunha

Departamento de Agronomia - Produção Vegetal
Canopy gaps organic waste solar radiation


This study was conducted in a agrossilvicultural system with two years of deployment, located in Goiânia, Goiás, using tree component as the species Tectona grandis L. f. This objective was evaluate the radiation incidence in the seasons dry and rainy under different fertilization. The design was a randomized block, in split plot, factorial arrangement 4 x 2 x 2. The plots received the factors fertilization and measurement of height, being four types of fertilization (control, NPK, sewage sludge and cattle manure) and two heights measure (soil level and 1.3 m above the soil). The subplots were allocated two seasons (dry and rainy), with four repetitions (blocks). They evaluated the photon flux density (PFD) in μmol.m-2.s-1 and the percentage of shading in the understory. The types of fertilizer did not influence the soil fertility and the light avaliability in any of the seasons and heights of measurement. The percentage (%) shading differed only at soil level, being higher in the rainy season compared to season dry (37.18 vs. 19.80%). In the dry season is reduced (%) shading and the consequent increase in photon reflectance rate at soil level in the agrossilvicultural system in initial stage.


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How to Cite

Abreu, S. A. H., Santos, M. P., Calil, F. N., Reges, N. P. R., Costa, R. B., Ximenes, P. A., & Cunha, P. P. (2017). Light avaliability at the dry and rainy seasons in agrossivicultural system under different fertilizations. Scientific Electronic Archives, 10(1), 13–19.