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Health Science
Published: 2017-06-20

Profile of patients with chronic wounds and evaluation of knowledge on topical therapy used

Federal University of Mato Grosso - Sinop
chronic wounds nursing knowledge


This study aimed to evaluate the profile of patients with chronic wounds in the city of Sinop - MT and assess the level of knowledge in relation to topical therapy used in treatment. The interview was conducted in the patient's home after signing the free and informed consent. The study included 12 patients with chronic wounds. Results showed 66.7% were men, 50% were older than 50 years, 50% had not completed primary education, 66.66% have income below R$ 1,148.00. Comorbidities that most affected the study were hypertension and paraplegia, 41.7% and 33.4%, respectively. It was observed 50% of patients showed the emergence time of the upper wound to 2 years and 50% of these patients were smokers over 20 years. Regarding the degree of knowledge of respondents 8.33% of patients did not have any knowledge related to therapy used in the treatment of the wound; 66.67% of respondents had regular knowledge and 25% had good knowledge. 58.33% of patients had access to the internet and responded that the food does not influence the healing process. To investigate the realization of the dressing technique observed 100% of respondents were performing the dressing correctly, only 25% knew what it was for the product used in the bed of his wound, and 50% were using inadequate products in the wound bed. In conclusion, it was shown that the profile of patients with chronic wounds in the city of Sinop - MT consists of a heterogeneous group consisting predominantly of males, low income, low education level, with comorbidity and smoking associated with chronicity of wounds and predominantly regular degree of knowledge about topical therapy used in treatment. In this context, it is essential that nurses promote educational activities aim to inform and guide the chronic wound carrier and their caregivers, and consequently improve the level of knowledge of these patients compared to topical therapy used, targeting the use of appropriate and promoting coverage wound healing.


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How to Cite

Schleicher, A. T., Souza, E. F., Guimarães, F. R., Bolpato, M. B., & Souza, P. R. (2017). Profile of patients with chronic wounds and evaluation of knowledge on topical therapy used. Scientific Electronic Archives, 10(3), 67–75.