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Biological Science
Published: 2017-12-05

Effect of different substrates on the germination of seeds Cedrela fissilis Vellozo (Meliaceae)

Acadêmico do curso de Agronomia da FACC Faculdade Concórdia.
FACC- Faculdade Concórdia.

T. Gerber

Professora do curso de Agronomia.
substrates germination IVG


The present study was to evaluate the Cedar seed germination and the handling of different substrates to elucidate what is the best condition for the species. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory, without control of incidence of light or temperature, leaving them as much as possible under natural conditions. Treatments consisted of four treatments and four repetitions, each repetition consisted of 10 subrepetitions, totaling 40 units (plastic cups) per treatment. Seeds were sown with two seeds per cup. The characteristics evaluated were the percentage of germination and germination speed index (GSI). It is concluded this way that the seeds subjected to the earth and sand worked to conduct tests for germination cedar seeds were those that gave higher percentages of germination and IVG. While the substrates, commercial and land forest were considered unfavorable for conducting germination tests for cedar seeds.


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How to Cite

Marchezan, R., & Gerber, T. (2017). Effect of different substrates on the germination of seeds Cedrela fissilis Vellozo (Meliaceae). Scientific Electronic Archives, 10(6), 45–49.