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Agricultural Science
Published: 2017-06-20

Row spacing in the growth and yield of the soybean’s cultivar

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

C. S. Pereira

Eng. Agrônomo UFLA 

Mestre Fitotecnia UFLA 

Doutor Fitotecnia UFV 


Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

I. V. Fiorini

Eng. Agrônomo UFLA 

Mestre Fitotecnia UFLA 

Doutor Fitotecnia UFLA 

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

W. Delgado

Eng. Agrônomo UFMT


Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso

A. Lange

Eng. Agrônomo UFLA 

Mestre em Solos UFLA 

Doutor em solos Esalq

Glycine Max Soybean Crop Sowed spacing Management practices


Row spacing at sowing is a determining factor in the arrangement of plants in the environment, influencing growth and soybean productivity. This study aimed to verify the behavior of three soybean cultivars in three different spacings. The experiment was conducted in a commercial farm in the country of Rondonópolis of Mato Grosso (MT) State. The experimental design was performed in randomized block design, with five replicates in factorial 3x3, three row spacings, 0.35m; 0.45m and 0.50m, keeping a population of 350,000 plants/ha-1, and three cultivars, BMX Desafio RR, BMX and BMX Ultra IPRO IPRO Bonus of Brasmax® company. We evaluated the number of pods per plant (NPP), number of grains per plant (NGP), plant height (PH), number of reproductive nodes (RN), height of insertion of the first reproductive node (HIR), lodging (L), 1000 grain weight (TGW) and productivity (PROD). In all spacings, cultivar BMX Bonus was higher in PH, NR and TGW. Cultivar BMX Desafio was higher in NPP and TGW. The cultivars responded differently in the spacings, but it did not suffer significant fluctuations in final yield. Plant tipping lodging was observed with reduced spacing.


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How to Cite

Pereira, C. S., Fiorini, I. V., Delgado, W., & Lange, A. (2017). Row spacing in the growth and yield of the soybean’s cultivar. Scientific Electronic Archives, 10(3), 12–18.