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Agricultural Science
Published: 2018-08-01

Potential of auxinary production bacterium in promoting the growth of micropropagate banana plant

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

S. M. Andrade

Graduação em Agronomia pela UFMT, Câmpus Sinop.

micropropagation banana microrganisms


The use of techniques of micropropagation have been used in order to improve the production of better-quality seedlings, which enables production of a larger number of plants in a short period of time, in addition to preventing the spread of plant disease. The objective of this study was to evaluated the effectiveness of phytohormones production by bacteria in promoting plant growth promotion in micropropagated banana seedlings. The may was conducted in wing seedlings for 60 days after the lab transfer to the greenhouse, in the controlled growing conditions, watering them daily. The experimental design was completely randomized, consisting of 26 treatments (25 strains and witness). After 60 days the seedlings were cut separating the shoot and root accommodated in paper bags for further evaluation. We evaluated the shoot height (PA Height), root length (length R), fresh weight of shoots (PA Fresh Weight), fresh root weight (weight fresh R), dry weight of shoots (Weight fresh PA) and dry root weight (Dry Weight R). The plant growth promotion micropropagated banana plantlets using bacterial promoters phytohormones showed significant differences in fresh weight and dry weight of roots of seedlings, conferred by S12 strain.


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How to Cite

Ferrari, E., Andrade, S. M., Sabino, D. C. C., & Shiomi, H. F. (2018). Potential of auxinary production bacterium in promoting the growth of micropropagate banana plant. Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(4), 1–6.