This is an experimental case study with the objective of evaluating the cicatricial progression of varicose ulcer treated with the gel in natura of Aloe barbadensis Miller in the period of 83 days. The research included a carrier of varicose ulcer with lesions 2nd and 4th toes D, which was not performing topical drug treatment. The dressing was performed daily following the cleaning protocol with gentle irrigation with 0.9% Sodium Chloride heated and covering with the fresh slug gel extracted from the plant bulb just before the dressing time, maintaining a semi- occlusive with sterile and compressive gauze with bandage. The characteristics of the wound and the evolution of the cicatricial process through the photographic imaging, measurement of the lesion bed with the IMAGE J® and registry of the characteristics of the bed of the lesion, borders and peri ulcer region at 29º, 48º, 66º and 83 days of treatment. The results indicate that the use of phytotherapics promoted the control of inflammatory signs, improved hydration and vascularization of the lesions and peri ulcer regions and cellular regeneration, promoting at the end of the treatment total healing of the ulcer present in the 4th right foot podactylus and important reduction of the area of the other injuries. However, in order to produce evidence for the practice it is necessary to develop other experimental studies with an expanded sample to clarify the benefits and mechanisms of action of the herbal medicine in the treatment of varicose ulcers.
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