Air pollution is related to respiratory problems such as allergic rhinitis and bronchitis, and it can also cause headaches, irritation of the eyes and throat, and even lead to cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer. The evaluation of air quality in Caxias do Sul city was performed by NO2 and O3 passive filters in addition to plant biomonitoring through the Trad-MCN bioassay, where seedlings Tradescantia pallida var. pupurea were exposed to environmental conditions and after that, the percentage of micronuclei present in tetrads, of pollen grain’s mother cells was verify. Samples areas were in three different regions, two of them located in urban areas, Point 1 located in a residential neighborhood, near an industrial area and Point 2 located near the downtown. The Point 3 is in the rural area of the city. This study showed that air pollutants are found in higher concentrations in the urban area of the city than in rural areas, emphasizing that the concentration of O3 was the only one that increased in rural areas. The micronucleus frequency was also observed in large quantities in urban areas, mainly in the Point 2. According to the WHO, in 2012, 7 million people died in the world because of air pollution. The monitoring of atmospheric pollution is an important tool to provide life quality for the population.
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