In the state of Mato Grosso, in most areas, a fertilization and correction of the soil without system is performed before the soybean, the corn is sowed in the sequence, having as fertilizations residual effect. The objective of this work is to evaluate the vegetative and reproductive characteristics of soybean and corn intercropped with brachiaria and a concentration of nutrients in different forms of fertilization. The work was carried out in the 2011/2012 and 2012/13 harvests in a randomized block design, testing six fertilizer managements for soybean cultivation, a saber: absence of correction and fertilization; management of the farm, without soil correction; 3 t ha-1 of pre-sowing gypsum and sowing on surface; 3 t ha-1 of pre-sowing gypsum and fertilization of sowing buried in the furrow; 2 t ha-1 of limestone in pre-sowing to haul and fertilization of sowing on surface; 2 t ha-1 of limestone in pre-sowing the haul and fertilization of sowing buried in the furrow. After a harvest of the soybean as parcels were divided, in these the sowing was carried out as follows: mechanized - fertilizer more like seeds of brachiaria were incorporated without furrow of seeding of the corn to a depth of five centimeters, manually - fertilizer plus the seeds of were applied to the haul and in total area, before sowing the corn, simulating a mechanized application to the haul in pre-sowing. The two groups are successful in a corn crop. There is still no corn in the second year of cultivation. Corrections and fertilizations are not provocative, but most production components and final crop yields, but the use of gypsum has improved some production components and productivity. The application of gypsum moved potassium without soil profile, increased the percentage of calcium in the CTC and altered the Ca / Mg ratio in the layer of 0.10 to 0.20 m. The brachiaria seeded on surface or incorporated produced an amount of similar mass, close to 8230 kg ha-1.
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