The mangabeira is one of the main fruit plants of the Brazilian savanna. In the Brazilian sacanna there is a great deficiency of nutritional and varietal information for the mangabeira being scarce the studies in soil fertility for the culture. Therefore, it is necessary an investigation of the best nitrogen and potassium fertilization for fruit. This study aimed to point the performance of three botanical varieties of Hancornia speciosa with nitrogen and potassium fertilization in savanna region. The experimental design was in randomized blocks in 3 x 5 scheme. Three botanical varieties of H. speciosa Gomes were used: H. Gardineri; H pubescens and H. cuyabensis, with five doses of formulation 25-00-15 (0,0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 g per plant) and three evaluation times (60, 120 and 180 days after coverage). Evaluated the stem diameter; Number of branches and height of plants. The mangabeiras have better development in the beginning to the end of the rainy season. The development of botanical varieties of Hancornia speciosa Gomes does not differ in the initial 30 months of cultivation. The doses of formulation 25-00-15 do not increase height and number of branches. There is an increase in diameter in the H. cuyabensis variety at 60 DAPC.
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