The higher education institutions have a duty on the stimulation of the knowledge and the problems solutions. And the management of the solid waste (SW) generated is one of the biggest problems faced by the government because of its pollution capability when it’s not disposed correctly. For that reason this paper has as main goal to dimension a Waste Temporary Storage Center (WTSC), from characterization of Federal University of Mato Grosso waste solids, also the application of socioenvironmental questionnaires to know the routine to segregate the waste in their residents of the academic population and also the acceptance of a selective waste collection program at the University. This work was conducted in three steps, (i) Characterization qualitative-quantitative of the solid waste of Cuiabá campus (2012); (ii) Dimensioning of the WTSC of the UFMT (2014); e (iii) Socioenvironmental questionnaires with the academic population of Cuiabá campus (2016). The results of the first step offered a picture of the University solids waste situation, qualitative and quantitative, that was the base to dimension of the WTSC, the second step resulted in a executive project elaborated by Proplan that is still waiting for funds for its construction, and with the third step it’s known the academic community and its habits of segregate their waste, offering foundation to environmental sensibilization techniques appliances. As a conclusion, the building of the WTSC, and with a selective waste collection program supported by all academic community, the university waste will have an adequate disposal.
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