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Agricultural Science
Published: 2018-10-02

Rates of biostimulant on maize at off-season in the northern of Mato Grosso

Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso

A. Guollo


I. V. A. Fiorini





E. L. Resende


A. Lange

Eng. Agrônomo UFLA 

Mestre Fitotecnia UFLA 

Doutor Fitotecnia Esalq 


C. C Breda

Eng. Agrônomo UNESP 

Mestre Agronomia UNESP 

Doutor UNESP Energia na Agricultura 

Professor UNIFOR - MG

A. A. Silva

Eng. Agrônomo

Mestre Fitotecnia UFLA

Doutor Fitotecnia UFLA 

Zea mays off-season maize treatments of seeds no tillage system.


In recent years the corn crop has experienced new baseline level of productivity with the innovations in the productive system, among them the incorporation of biostimulants to the seeds, with obtained increases in yield, nevertheless some care should be taken concerning the addition of new chemicals to the seeds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of rates the seed treatment with the biostimulant of root Aminoagro Raiz® in corn yield second crop development in the northern of Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The experiment was carried out at the area experimental of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) campus of Sinop-MT. The treatments consisted in applying by rates of seed treatment of the biostimulants (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 ml kg-1 of seeds) in the moment of sowing. The rates caused significant changes on number of leaves and leaf area, which experienced smaller values, this reduction occurred due to a possible increase in root system. Corn seeds treated with the bioestimulant Aminoagro Raiz® in the rate de 200 ml kg-1 of seeds, high level of the rate recommended for the fabricant, has been reductions on number of leaves and grain yield. The seed corn treatment with the bioestimulant Aminoagro Raiz® in the rate recommended for the fabricant (50 ml kg-1 of seeds) increased the grain yield in corn crop.


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How to Cite

Pereira, C. S., Guollo, A., Fiorini, I. V. A., Pereira, H. D., Resende, E. L., Resende, F. R., … Silva, A. A. (2018). Rates of biostimulant on maize at off-season in the northern of Mato Grosso. Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(5), 75–81.