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Agricultural Science
Published: 2019-08-04

Evapotranspiration of lettuce crop: a response to application of different water sheets

Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"
Lactuca sativa water deficit morphology


Lettuce is one of the vegetables grown throughout the country and is quite demanding in water. In order to answer questions about the value of the ideal irrigation blade for this crop, the present research was carried out with the objective of evaluating the lettuce response to the application of different water sheets in relation to crop evapotranspiration. The water sheets according to the crop evapotranspiration were analyzed in the following percentages, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125. The plant height, stem diameter, leaf number and leaf area of lettuce seedlings were evaluated. It was verified that the plants submitted to the 25 and 50% evapotranspiration of the crop sheets had late development, whereas the 125% evapotranspiration of the crop sheet showed the best results in relation to lettuce growth. Therefore, the 125% sheet of crop evapotranspiration provides better lettuce growth results.


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How to Cite

Silva, D., Silva, C., Santos, J., Costa, R., Silva, L., & Santos, S. (2019). Evapotranspiration of lettuce crop: a response to application of different water sheets. Scientific Electronic Archives, 12(4), 34–37.