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Biological Science
Published: 2020-01-03

Comparative occurrence of Prestonia R.Br. (Apocynaceae: Apocynoideae)

Universidade Federal de Lavras, Departamento de Biologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica Aplicada, Campus Universitário, Caixa Postal 3037, CEP: 37200-000, Lavras-MG, Brasil.
Apocynoideae Echiteae Prestonia coalita Floristic Survey


Apocynaceae is clearly monophyletic, as indicated by the presence of milky latex and a highly modified gyneum with separate ovaries and a modified stylet head. Prestonia (Apocynoideae / Echiteae), is composed of about 55 species, distributed from Mexico to Argentina, and in Brazil, 24 species occur. This work aimed to catalog the species of the genus Prestonia occurring in Lavras. Description of the species was carried out, as well as an identification key. A comparison was made with other surveys, which indicated the occurrence of these genera, in order to identify the representativeness of these species in the municipality. The study recommended the consultation in the ESAL Herbarium, as well as the herbs SPF, HUEFS, JBRJ, NY and UEC, which presented collections of Lavras. The results of the present study were also compared with five other studies performed through two-way cluster analysis. Four species were identified: Prestonia coalita, P. riedelli, P. tomentosa and P. erecta. The highest specific diversity was observed in Lavras, with four species, and P. erecta and P. riedelli only ran in this area. Carrancas presented two species, P. coalita and P. tomentosa, being the most similar to Lavras. Prestonia coalita was present in three areas, being the most widespread species. Although Lavras presented a reduced territorial extension, the diversity of the taxa in question was considerable.


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How to Cite

Zagotta-Vital, F. A. (2020). Comparative occurrence of Prestonia R.Br. (Apocynaceae: Apocynoideae). Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(1), 30–35.