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Agricultural Science
Published: 2019-04-01

Morphological parameters and components of the productivity of corn second crop in the function of doses of agricultural gypsum


C. S. Pereira

Eng. Agrônomo UFLA

Mestre Fitotecnia UFLA 

Doutor Fitotecnia UFV 


G. K. Joanella

Eng. Agrônomo UFMT/SINOP

I. V. A. Fiorini

Eng. Agrônomo UFLA 

Mestre em Fitotecnia UFLA 

doutor Fitotecnia UFLA 


R. A. F. Machado

Eng. Agrônomo UFLA 

Mestre Fitotecnia UFLA 

Doutor Agricultura UNESP Botucatu 


E. L. Resende

Eng. Agrônomo UFLA

F. R. Resende

Eng. Agrônomo UFLA
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS

Anderson Miguel Knob

Eng. Agrônomo UFMT 

Mestrando Economia UFRGS 

Zea mays L. Growth of second crop maize season. Yield components. Vegetative development.


Subsoil acidity has been considered one of the main causes of limitation to agricultural productivity, because it restricts root growth and the absorption of water and nutrients by crops. The agricultural gypsum stands out for its benefits as a conditioner, reduces the saturation of aluminum and increases the levels of calcium and sulfur in subsurface, allowing the development of roots in deeper layers. The objective was to evaluate the ideal gypsum dose for the increment of vegetative characteristics and the components of maize crop productivity in the second crop season in Sinop, MT. A randomized block design (DBC) with five doses of agricultural gypsum (0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 t ha-1). In the conditions under which the study was carried out, it can be concluded that the application of the agricultural gypsum impaired the vegetative growth and the development of the second maize crop cultivated in soils corrected and under high rainfall intensity. The application of gypsum in soils with Mg levels considered low reduces corn growth. The addition of agricultural gypsum doses did not influence the number of grain rows, number of grains per row and the mass of one thousand grains, due to the conditions of the study with the limiting content of Mg in the soil (0-20 cm layer) and with high volumes of rainfall in northern MT during the development of second crop maize.


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How to Cite

Pereira, C. S., Joanella, G. K., Fiorini, I. V. A., Machado, R. A. F., Resende, E. L., Resende, F. R., & Knob, A. M. (2019). Morphological parameters and components of the productivity of corn second crop in the function of doses of agricultural gypsum. Scientific Electronic Archives, 12(2), 70–75.