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Education and Teaching
Published: 2019-04-01

Analytical Chemistry For High School

Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei

N. M. Santos

Discente do curso de Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei
Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei
Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei

G. D. Reis

Discenta de Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei
Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei

A. G. Souza

Docente da Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei
Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei

C. P. O. F. Melo

Técnica da Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei
Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei

E. M. Garcia

Docenta Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei
Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei

H. A. Taroco

Docenta da Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei
Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei

J. O. F. Melo

Docenta da Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei
Analytical Chemistry Secondary education Degrees


The Chemistry is the slope of the science that investigates the composition, the properties and transformations of the atoms that form the matter, by definition. In this way the current methodology used in the basic education cycle, mainly in secondary education, which seeks to be broad in a short period of time, limits the action of teachers to the theoretical content, making it impossible to carry out practices. These classes make it possible to integrate the subjects taught in the classroom with the reality of the students and, in this context, Analytical Chemistry is one of the branches of Chemistry that best integrates the theoretical contents into practical applications. In this project, analytical contents used: "Degree Technique" for the deepening of Chemistry in two groups of third year of secondary education of the State School Eponina Soares dos Santos, located in the municipality of Sete Lagoas-MG. In the meetings, visual resources used in the form of seminars associated with the adaptation of the theoretical contents with the premise of allowing the students to perform analysis. A primer was prepared with the contents presented and with the scripts of low-cost analytical practices. As a parameter, two evaluations of the students made at the beginning and end of the project and it observed that there was an improvement in performance in the area of general knowledge of chemistry in terms of concepts and everyday applications.


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How to Cite

Santos, N. M., Ferraz, J. M., Reis, G. D., Souza, A. G., Melo, C. P. O. F., Garcia, E. M., … Melo, J. O. F. (2019). Analytical Chemistry For High School. Scientific Electronic Archives, 12(2), 107–113.