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Agricultural Science
Published: 2020-02-02

Corn seed stored by loss of dry matters caused by fungi and insects infestation

Unemat- University Campus of Nova Mutum

E Neves

Department of Agronomy-Agricultural Engineering

Unemat- University Campus of Nova Mutum

B S Oliveira

Department of Agronomy-Agricultural Engineering

Storage Matter dry Pests Microflora.


When stored in the field, which is the time in which the seeds remain in the field after the physiological maturation, it can result in both qualitative and quantitative losses. These losses may become significant during the storage in storage units due to mainly being directly related to insect and fungal infestation. In this context, the objective of the work was to verify the performed treatments in the seeds during the storage in two types of materials to prepare the samples to analyze of the dry matter losses. The methodology followed the same one used by Neves & Savelli, (2017) except for the percentage calculation of insect and fungal infestation.It was concluded that: there were differences in dry matter losses in the different packages, and in a four-month storage the losses were higher.


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How to Cite

Neves, E., & Oliveira, B. S. (2020). Corn seed stored by loss of dry matters caused by fungi and insects infestation. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(2), 13–19.