Abstract: The species Tecoma stans L. from the Bignoniaceae family, popularly known as the garden ipê or ipê mirim, is considered a natural tree plant in Mexico and in the southern United States. It was brought to Brazil in 1871 as an invasive plant of degraded agricultural and abandoned pastures, much used in ornamentation of cities. The present work aimed to verify the efficiency of the alternative dyes boldo, bacupari, azul crepom and colorau, compared to the synthetic dye Lugol. In the preparation of the Lugol slides and the alternative solutions, the anthers were macerated with a drop of dye and covered with cover slip. For each dye were made five slides and counted 300 pollen grains / blade, adding a total of 1,500 pollen. The visualization of the material was performed through an optical microscope in dimension of 40x by the scanning method. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and the means were compared by the Tukey test at the 5% probability level. According to the data verified in the analyzes it was verified that all the dyes can be recommended for evaluation of the male fertility of the species Tecoma stans L. and that it presents high capacity fecundity. However, in the case of alternative dyes, the solution of paprika and paper crepe were the ones that presented the best results regarding the coloration of the pollen grain, presenting a better visual differentiation of the same between feasible and non viable.