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Health Science
Published: 2020-03-31

Evaluation of the quality of life of women in the climacteric attended by the basic care of the municipality of Sinop-MT

Universidade federal do Mato Grosso
Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso
Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso
Woman. Quality of life. Climacteric


The World Health Organization (WHO) defines climacteric as a biological phase of life and not a pathological process, which refers to the transition between the reproductive and non-reproductive periods of women's lives. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of life of climacteric women attended by the Carlos Scholtão Family Health Units and Jardim Botânico. This is a quantitative study, in which 41 women were evaluated, with symptoms related to the climacteric, age from 40 to 65 years, without hormonal therapy. To collect data, two questionnaires were applied, first one with questions related to socio-demographic data, health status and life habits, and to collect data on women's health, the Women's Health Questionnaire (QSM), developed and validated by Hunter in 1992. Through the study it was demonstrated that the climacteric symptoms did not significantly interfere in the quality of life of the women surveyed. It was also observed that even without reported symptoms, many reported using antidepressant medications, which may interfere with the intensity of the climacteric symptomatology. Research has shown to be different from most studies that deal with women's quality of life in the climacteric, which reinforces the importance of local studies with different approaches. Through the research the interest was aroused by the self-knowledge in the participants and evidenced that the nursing has an important role in the incentive of self-care. At the end of the research it was observed that some women had difficulty understanding the questionnaires, which suggests the application of other methodologies in future studies.


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How to Cite

Santos, A. T., Biazzi, L. S. S., Cavalcanti, P. P., & Primão, J. C. M. (2020). Evaluation of the quality of life of women in the climacteric attended by the basic care of the municipality of Sinop-MT. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(4), 86–96.