This study aimed to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of garlic and the production of jellies. For this, fresh garlic was submitted to the cooking process and evaluated about moisture, pH, acidity, soluble solids, total sugars, and ash contents. Only garlic and garlic and pepper were prepared using crystal and brown sugar as sweeteners. The jelly that presented the highest number of parameters according to the legislation was submitted to sensory tests. The physicochemical characterization of the raw material showed that cooking did not interfere in pH, but increased acidity and reduced the content of total soluble solids in garlic submitted to cooking for 20 minutes. The jellies prepared with the addition of crystal sugar presented moisture higher than the values stipulated by the legislation. The addition of pepper contributed to increased acidity, regardless of the type of sugar. However, the jellies made with crystal sugar were slightly more acidic than those added to brown sugar. To the content of total soluble solids, all jellies are within the values required by the legislation. The sensory tests did not indicate any of the jellies as preferred and showed no difference in the sensory attributes evaluated between the jams with brown sugar and crystal. In general, the added jelly of brown sugar was pointed with burning and ideal viscosity by many judges. Thus, both jellies can be an alternative in the development of new products, as a potential to add value to garlic.
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