Abstract: This study aimed to identify the pattern of antimicrobial use in a unit and orthopedic surgical clinic of a medium-sized hospital in Mato Grosso. The study based in analysis of 500 medical charts and filling out forms previously prepared from Regional Hospital of Sorriso, between March and April 2012, after approval of the project by CEP Julio Muller University Hospital (Protocol No. 219/2011). It was observed that 69% (345) of the sample were male, with ages ranging between 18 and 112 years. In all the charts can observe the prescription of antibiotics, the most prescribed the cephalothin 49.2% (297), Amikacin 12.27% (74) 5.3% Gentamicin (32), Ciprofloxacin 4.31 % (26) and Clindamycin 3.31% (20). Among the 500 records analyzed only 9 (1.8%) underwent antimicrobial prophylaxis and 491 (98.2) did not receive prophylaxis. Among the antimicrobials used in surgical prophylaxis met the cephalothin, used in 77.8% of cases and Clindamycin in 22.2% of cases, these drugs of second choice within the parameters of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA). The rational use of antibiotics reduce any risk of emergence of resistant microbial strains and still be profitable in terms pharmacoeconomics
Keywords: Antimicrobial; Surgical Clinic, Nursing; Antibiotic.
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