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Educação e Ensino
Publicado: 2016-09-22

Operation territory of citizenship - Goiás in 2012: experience report

Extension Reporting Experience


The Rondon Project is a social integration project involving the voluntary participation of university students in the search for solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of poor communities and increase the population's welfare. Targeting the extension work to the University of Brasilia, he created its own core Rondon Project so that students can have such experiences. Thus contributing to the formation of the university as a citizen and integrating the university to the national development process through participatory actions on the reality of the country. The Rondon Project is a unique extension experience of equal value to all students in it engage because motivates, inspires and makes us believe that every person has his share of responsibility in society. University activities this espécieoportunizam a critical reflection on our behavior as citizens, and strengthens citizenship in a country full of social contrasts.


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Como Citar

Mota, G. A. F. (2016). Operation territory of citizenship - Goiás in 2012: experience report. Scientific Electronic Archives, 9(4), 114–117.