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Publicado: 2017-02-19

Ultracavitation method of evaluation in the reduction of localized fat in women

Centro Universitário Padre Anchieta.
Centro Universitário Padre Anchieta.
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
infra abdominal fat Ultracavitation glycerol.


This study evaluated cosmetic fat reduction methods that cause localized lipolysis and that are not invasive. The use of a differentiated ultrasound called Ultracavitation was evaluated, it causes reduction of localized fat in the infra abdominal region. 30 women aged 30-45 years old, healthy, sedentary were evaluated; they were separated into two groups subjected to 12 treatment sessions in infra abdominal region, once a week, alone or combined with aerobic exercise. Photographic recording was performed for comparison, determining the infra abdominal circumference and the amount of glycerol in urine samples of the participants, which was measured via reactions catalyzed by glycerol kinase, glycerol phosphate oxidase and peroxidase enzymes. The use of Ultracavitation associated with the treadmill or without it had a relevant result. The measurement of glycerol in the urine samples did not present statistically a significant result.


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Como Citar

Petraglia, L., Crege, D. R. X. O., Dullius, J. L., & Bighetti, A. E. (2017). Ultracavitation method of evaluation in the reduction of localized fat in women. Scientific Electronic Archives, 10(1), 108–115.