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Publicado: 2017-02-19

Mast cell leucemia - case report

Universidade de Santo Amaro
Universidade de Santo Amaro
Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso
Universidade de Santo Amaro
Mastocytosis mast cell leukemia mast cells.


Mastocytosis is a rare disease caused by the proliferation and accumulation of mast cells in places that have connective tissue and marrow. The term mast cell leukemia is used to define the proliferation of neoplastic mast cells in the bone marrow. A dog was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Santo Amaro - UNISA, with prostration, apathy, vomiting, and intense termofilia distrição exhalation, the examination of the bone marrow was visualized hypercellularity 60% where 43.8% were mature mast cells. The animal died and sent to the Pathology Service to necropsy exam that shows severe hepatomegaly, splenomegalyand and presence of small ulcers and gastric erosion. It was carried out cytological and histological examination. therefore found a case of mast cell leukemia.



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Como Citar

Silva, P. S. P., Matorelli, F. N., Dullius, J. L., Gonçalves, S., Sanchez, M., Ruiz, E., & Cruz, G. D. (2017). Mast cell leucemia - case report. Scientific Electronic Archives, 10(1), 164–168.