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Ciências Agrárias
Publicado: 2017-04-15

Agronomic evaluation and economic sampling of mesh for use in basic coffee growing family

IFSUDEMINAS-Campus Inconfidentes

B. M. R. Melo

IFSULDEMINAS-Campus Inconfidentes
Geostatistics landscape variability and soil


The objeticve of this study was to evaluate the agronomic viability, economic and statistical sampling mesh use in fertilizer recommendation compared to the traditional model soil sampling in family-based coffee. The experiment was conducted in IFSULDEMINAS-Campus Inconfidentes a Rubi cultivar of coffee plantation with an area of 0.849 ha -1 . The sample was divided into meshes 42; 28 and 15 collection points. To demonstrate the viability of the sampling mesh were also evaluated by the conventional sampling system. For statistical analysis, data were submitted to geostatistical analysis and descriptive statistics. Spatial dependence was observed for phosphorus to mesh with 52 points and potassium in the meshes of 52 and 28 points. In the study area was found great variability which can compromise the recommendations when they are made on the basis of average values diagnosed in conventional sampling. It appears that it is possible to divide the plots based on landscape features reducing sampling costs in stitches. It is concluded that the sampling mesh has agronomic viability, however considerably increases costs for family coffee. Reducing the number of points prevents geostatistics.


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Como Citar

Melo, B. M. R., Paglis, C. M., & Silva, J. M. (2017). Agronomic evaluation and economic sampling of mesh for use in basic coffee growing family. Scientific Electronic Archives, 10(2), 38–44.