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Ciências Agrárias
Publicado: 2014-07-10

Germination of grasses due to inoculation diazotrophic bacteria

UFMT/ Sinop

C. D. A. Moreira

Academico concluinte curso Agronomia
UFMT/ Sinop
UFMT/ Sinop
Academico de Engenharia Florestal- UFMT/Sinop
Forage Inoculation Germination


The germination of forage grasses suffers from numbness and a natural   tendency to low quality. The use of microorganisms inoculated in seeds with the purpose of increasing and meet the demand of some nutrient has been shown to be   efficient, but the role of the microorganism in germination and rate of force is still unknown. Therefore the goal as study was to evaluate the germination rate of seeds of three cultivars of Brachiaria brizantha CV. Marandu, b., b. brizantha CV. Xaraés and b. humidícola cv Tupi and a cultivar of millet, P. hybrid cv Massai depending on the bacterium Azospirillum brasilense diazotrofic inoculation (nitrogen-fixing). Germination test was used in seed dispersal to assess the effect of first count (VPC) in the treatments with and without inoculation. It was done also conducted further tests of electrical conductivity, weight of thousand seeds and water content. The delineation used was randomized entirely (DIC) and the statistical analysis carried out through the analysis of variance and comparison of means using the Tukey test, the 5% probability. Massai grass seeds have the highest rate of force of first count in both treatments.   Inoculation of bacterium Azospirillum brasilense did not affect the values of force of first count on seeds of the cultivars Marandu, Xaraés, Tupi and Massai. The seeds of the massai have higher germination speed relative the other cultivars evaluated when inoculated. 


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Como Citar

Moreira, C. D. A., Pereira, D. H., Coimbra, R. A., & Moreira, I. D. A. (2014). Germination of grasses due to inoculation diazotrophic bacteria. Scientific Electronic Archives, 6(1), 90–96.