Impact of Organizational Climate


  • D. R Coelho Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - servidora Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso - Graduada Universidad Del Atlantico e Universidade Iberoamericana Afiliada: FUNIBER - FUNDAÇÃO IBEROAMERCANA
  • R. T. S. Pires



Organization, Employee Welfare, Behavior, Impacts, Organizational climate


In search of a pleasant and productive environment, the restlessness of studying about organizational climate was generated - "What is it? And for what?" - in the current times, and highlight their contributions. The objectives were: (i) To study its representativeness; (ii) To know the factors that indicate where to start the observations regarding the organizational climate; (iii) To recognize that the organizational climate is an indicator of analyses of its own interactivity. The study is justified due to the attention that employees have been receiving from leaders in their work space in accordance with organizational guidelines, in a globalized context that due to its aspects identified post-modern perspectives according to Zygmunt Bauman (2011) who stated: "we are living in liquid times. Nothing has been done to last". These guidelines are the result of observations of a more demanding scenario based on the quality of services and development of labor, which contributes to accelerated production and, above all, dynamics. The research is characterized as bibliographic with an exploratory aspect, for the interaction of the problem with a qualitative proposal. The researches raised portray that the organizational climate is revealed from the impacts of attitudes of a set of behaviors that can come from the predominant culture in the organization, through the actions and reactions of the members (collaborators, members, individuals) of the staff and the way of leading. Therefore, managers and members should keep themselves updated regarding the design of attitudes and behaviors to sustain a satisfactory organizational climate. Within this premise, they should be aware of the behaviors that determine the impacts that influence behaviors, especially. It is also noted that the decision on the style of leadership developed exercises changes in the organizational climate that may arise in a positive or negative way depending on the expectations and interpretation of employees, through the manner of management of the leader.


Biografia do Autor

D. R Coelho, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - servidora Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso - Graduada Universidad Del Atlantico e Universidade Iberoamericana Afiliada: FUNIBER - FUNDAÇÃO IBEROAMERCANA

Administração - Administração

Psicologia Organizacional de RH


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Como Citar

Coelho, D. R., & Pires, R. T. S. (2021). Impact of Organizational Climate. Scientific Electronic Archives, 14(1), 67–73.



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