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Agricultural Science
Published: 2022-04-01

The inferior spatial circuit of production of cassava represented by the rural producers of the Carlos Marighella Settlement in Poxoréu-MT

Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis
Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis
Rural settlement, Cassava production, Inferior circuit of production


The current article has as object of study the spatial circuit of production of cassava in the Carlos Marighella Settlement in Poxoréu/MT. This circuit has some aspects that lack of better scientific comprehension. These specific aspects from which the problem was developed are related to the instances of production of cassava in its territorial dimension to the actual production, as well as the characteristics of its process of circulation and of consumption. The main objective of the research is to comprehend the spatial circuit, the agents, producers of cassava of Carlos Marighella Settlement, located in Poxoréu/MT, and the consumers of the street markets in Vila Aurora, em Rondonópolis/MT. The study was developed from the descriptive exploratory research with qualitative approach enabling the adoption of the following methodological procedures: bibliographic research conducted in books and journals; and field study with application of interviews and completion of forms, in order to collect data to meet the proposed objectives. The results obtained in this study reveal that the producers of cassava of the Carlos Marighella Settlement are small family agriculture producers, who produce cassava in a crude way and mainly use their personal vehicle to conduct the transportation of cassava and flour. In terms of the consumption of cassava, it was verified that the main consumers of this product and its derivatives are a portion of the poorest population. In practice, this study pretends to contribute in such a way as to generate scientific knowledge for society and also for the debate concerning the necessity of new public policies destined to the improvement of the infrastructure of the rural settlements. The study presents as limitation of the small expressiveness of the participants that compose the sample.

Keywords: Rural settlement, Cassava production, Inferior circuit of production.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, I. de, & Nardes, A. M. M. (2022). The inferior spatial circuit of production of cassava represented by the rural producers of the Carlos Marighella Settlement in Poxoréu-MT. Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(4).