The fat accumulation in the hypodermis results in an aesthetic disorder that affects large numbers of women, resulting in the formation of depressions mainly in the abdominal, pelvic and lower limbs, a situation known as gynoid lipodystrophy (cellulite). When the stored fat becomes localized, due to the increase in food intake relative to energy expenditure becomes resistant to weight loss. It is possible to identify two types of fat deposits: the deposits general (easily mobilized) and hereditary deposit (resistant to weight loss). In view of the above, various treatments have been used, associated or not, invasive or not, to improve the body contour. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cosmetic fat reduction methods localized intra-abdominal region and their associations, and the degree of satisfaction of volunteers with the treatments. Comparisons were made between the use of ultrasound, massage and cosmetic modeling with lipolytic assets as well as the combination of the three methods. For statistical analysis, we used the5.4 Bioest program and Paired t test evaluating, on a comparative basis, the variance of the initial evaluations and end of the same individual and test t independent that had compared individuals of the same group in different situations, with level 5% significance.
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