The earwigs stand out for their high voracity, feeding on eggs and immature stages of pest insects of different orders. The aim of this study was to compare artificial diets for low-cost maintenance of M. arachidis and E. annulipes
creations under laboratory conditions. The research was carried out at the Laboratório de Invertebrados of the Departamento de Biociências of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), Campus II, Areia, PB. The number and duration of instars, nymphal viability and numbers of individuals obtained in the F1 generation were evaluated. Five artificial diets were tested, containing starter feed for broiler chicken, wheat bran, powdered milk, brewer's yeast and nipagin. The difference between the diets was the starter ration for chicken with different sources of nutrients. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a factorial scheme (5 diets x 2 predators). Data were submitted to Analysis of Variance by the F test and the means were compared by the Scott-Knott test (p≤ 0.05). In the instar duration of E. annulipes and M. arachidis there was no interaction, but in the first there was a significant effect for the isolated factors, in the treatments the prestarter/integral mix caused a reduction in the average duration of the instars. On nymphal viability of E. annulipes, the control had a greater effect with about 90%. In the nymphal viability of M. arachidis there was no interaction between treatments. However, it was greater than 50% in all treatments. In the number of nymphs obtained in the F1 generation of the scissors, there was no difference between treatments. The artificial diet containing the pre-starter/whole mix feed reduces the average duration of E. annulipes instars; the different artificial diets do not interfere in the mean duration of M. arachidis instars; scissors obtain considerable viability indices for diet-independent rearing; artificial diets do not affect the earwigs reproductive cycle.
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