Soil insects are essential for the balance of agroecosystems. Easily collectable, they are characterized by being excellent bioindicators of the system as a whole. The objective of this work was to carry out a survey of edaphic insects in a conventional system and an ecological one, evaluating which environment provides greater biodiversity. Pitfall traps made from PET bottles (2L) cut in half at a height of 15 cm in the dry season and 20 cm in the rainy season were used, buried with the edge at ground level, each containing 500 ml of water and 5 drops of detergent, placing 5 traps in each cultivation area and distributed at random. The collected insects were stored in containers containing 70% alcohol for conservation. The sorting, quantification and classification process at the order level were carried out in the biology laboratory of the Professor Barros Araújo Campus at UESPI. The traps proved to be efficient for capturing insects. In both systems, the order Hymenoptera appeared as the most abundant, followed by Coleoptera. The number of insects captured in the conventional system was lower. The ecological system obtained a greater diversity of orders.
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