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Agricultural Science
Published: 2023-03-30

IFMT weighting tape for girolando breed animals

Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
: body measurements dairy cattle measurement


The dairy activity plays a relevant role in the economic and social context of Brazil. In this way, weighing the animals is of fundamental importance for decision-making, and the chest tape is an indirect and practical means for measuring weight. The objective of the study was to analyze the correlation between the thoracic perimeter and the live weight of Girolando animals, to compare different weighing methods currently used and to make a weight tape exclusively for Girolando animals. 411 Girolando animals were used, between males and females, of various age groups and blood degrees, weighed on a calibrated digital scale (PBAL), thoracic perimeter (PTOR), croup height (AGAR) and withers (AGIB) were measured. , rump length (CGAR), body length (CCOR), width between ileum (LILE) and width between ischia (LISQ) of the animals using an adapted measuring tape. There was a high and favorable correlation between body weight and chest circumference, that the average error of weight measurements made with the girolando tape is very high, and it is necessary to reduce this error through a new model and fractionation into intervals . The IFTM weight tape showed the best result because it has the lowest absolute error among the evaluated methods and is the best option for weight prediction. In this way, a new tape was proposed for measuring the weight of Girolando animals.


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How to Cite

Parreira Filho, J. M., Resende, M. A. ., Barbosa, C. O., Freitas, B. B. B., Moreira, Édimo F. A. ., & Santana, L. F. . (2023). IFMT weighting tape for girolando breed animals . Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(4).