A phenomenological view of the São José Operário/Pedra Preta-MT settlement on the use of pesticides
Pesticides, Rural Settlement, Perception, Agribusiness, SustainabilityAbstract
The intensive use of pesticides has become a hallmark of agricultural modernization in the world, as they are used in all agribusiness processes, as they fight pests and pathogenic organisms that impede productivity. Pesticides generate numerous socio-environmental dilemmas, harming the environment, the health of rural workers and consumers. The current model of agricultural development based on export-oriented monoculture large estates are supported by public policies that reduce, exempt taxes, release quickly and at low cost the registration of these products. In this context, the small rural producer has been excluded due to the lack of legal support that encourages family farming. These are also the ones that suffer the most from the negative effects of the use of pesticides. The research aims to understand the current socio-environmental geographic context of the use of pesticides in the living and production spaces of the São José Operário Settlement, in the municipality of Pedra Preta, located in the state of Mato Grosso. The methodology was based on the perception of individuals, considered fundamental to understand the cognitive and affective relationships of human beings with the environment. The methodological procedures adopted were qualitative-quantitative and descriptive research through primary and secondary data, using the phenomenological method. The results showed that, in the study area, the settlers are aware of the dangers that pesticides cause, but most do not have an understanding of the dimension of these dangers, respiratory, fertility, gastrointestinal, neurological, dermatological, cardiovascular, auditory, carcinogenic diseases, among others. others. However, the wealth of knowledge, the lived experience, the affection and the relationship with the land, is one of the main bases for the conservation of the place. In this sense, the study is justified in promoting in humans a vision of agroecological transition, with sustainable models and responsible management of ecological aspects for the conservation and preservation of natural resources in current and future generations, aiming to improve the quality of life.
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