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Education and Teaching
Published: 2023-10-31

Rural young, education and science: the bias of agroecology and alternation as a education practice

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso
Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso
rural youth, rural education, agroecology


This study is part of a broader research called “Sons and daughters of family farmers: technical training in Agroecology and alternation pedagogy in the Jaraguá Settlement, Agua Boa, Mato Grosso, Brazil” (Certificate of Presentation of Appreciation - CAAE: 64083417.8.0000.5166) , whose objective is to revive the education model aimed at rural education for rural youth in the Technical Course in Agroecology at the Jaraguá State School, Água Boa-MT, and the proposal for teaching Science through alternation pedagogy. In this aspect, it is understood that the rural education movement must be in accordance with the specificities of young people and families residing in rural areas, encompassing teaching-learning strategies based on methodologies that consider the traditional knowledge. The research was carried out with 14 students from the Technical Course in Agroecology at Escola Estadual Jaraguá, Água Boa, Mato Grosso, Brazil, whose methodology consisted of applying a semi-structured questionnaire and on-site visits, for subsequent tabulation and data analysis. The approach to teaching science in the classroom and the alternation pedagogy to reflect on the themes presented based on Agroecology, present a great advance in the education of these rural young, whose content can be assimilated by creating links beyond the classroom. The teacher, as an educator, when developing projects that encourage multiple learning for the professional training of young rural students at the Jaraguá State School, allows training in an integrated way to experience in the field and the development of potential in territories


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How to Cite

Zaratim, K. P. ., Maia, A. H. ., & Pimentel, A. P. P. Z. . (2023). Rural young, education and science: the bias of agroecology and alternation as a education practice. Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(11).