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Humanities and social sciences
Published: 2024-06-28

Distribution of body scanners in the brazilian prison system

Instituto Federal do Piauí, Campus Central
Instituto Federal do Piauí, Campus Central
Body scanner. Public security. Regions. States


Public security is under discussion in the pursuit of better living conditions, and technology proves relevant in combating and preventing criminal activities, utilizing various resources such as the Body Scanner. The Body scan employs X-rays to identify concealed objects in the body, streamlining checks without the need for visitors to undress or endure embarrassing procedures, thereby enhancing security in prisons.  This study aims to conduct a quantitative analysis of the distribution of these devices in the Brazilian prison system. A quantitative and descriptive study was conducted using official data from the CNEN website during December 2023.  At the time of the research, there were 283 body inspection devices spread across the five Brazilian regions. The southeast and south regions account for nearly the entire body scanners in Brazilian prison facilities, totaling 83%. The northeast region has 27 devices, followed by the central-west region with 12, and the north region has only 8 body scanners. It was observed that the distribution of body inspection devices is concentrated in the southeast region. There is an uneven distribution of these devices among regions and even among Brazilian states, highlighting the need for a more uniform distribution across states and regions to meet the demand for the number of visitors to these prison facilities.


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How to Cite

Teles, A. L. da S., & Silva, W. S. da. (2024). Distribution of body scanners in the brazilian prison system. Scientific Electronic Archives, 17(4).