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Publicado: 2024-10-22

Clustering of tropical species through multivariate analysis of the bonding properties of edge-glued panels (EGP)

Universidade Federal do Paraná
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Mixed EGP species, wood waste, Amazonian woods, edge-glued panels, higher value-added products


Tropical woods have high added value, and the use of waste for panel production is an initiative to add more value to this material, typically consisting of various species. The use of raw materials from tropical solid wood waste in the Amazon region contributes to the reduction of carbon emissions associated with the burning of this material. In this context, this study aimed to cluster species based on the bonding properties of Amazonian woods by applying multivariate analysis. The apparent density 12% and strength of finger joint and edge-glued joints of Cedrela odorata, Enterolobium schomburgkii, Erisma uncinatum and Qualea paraensis was evaluated which were joined in homogeneous and hybrid configurations with the adhesives PVA and EPI, as spreading rate of 180 g/m2. The treatments were compared by multivariate analysis of variance and discriminant analysis. The discrimination of species and combinations based on wood density (low, medium, and high) revealed that this is the most important characteristic for grouping different species that make up tropical hardwood waste for the production of EGP panels. In practice, the separation of species into groups according to wood densities can contribute to a better definition of the indications for use of edge glued panels of each density class, and assertive targeting for applications according to the strength ranges required. In the static bending, parallel tensile and shear tests all species and their combinations met the minimum requirements normative, indicating the approval of species and combinations studied for the production of EGP panels.


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Como Citar

Keffer, J. F., Trianoski, R., Behling, A., Koehler, H. S., Iwakiri, S., & Zamarian, E. H. C. (2024). Clustering of tropical species through multivariate analysis of the bonding properties of edge-glued panels (EGP). Scientific Electronic Archives, 17(6).