The compensatory growth of skeletal muscle cells in Amazonian catfish (Pseudoplathystoma reticulatum female x Leiarius marmoratus male)


  • T. S. Cotrim
  • D. C. Fornari
  • C. V. Araujo
  • C. U. B. Magalhães
  • D. H. Aguiar



fasting, refeeding, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, muscle tissue, fish farming


The growth characteristics and morphological pattern of skeletal muscle tissue of Amazonian catfish (Pseudoplathystoma reticulatum female x Leiarius marmoratus male) from fingerlings until juvenile stage submitted to different restriction levels during compensatory growth wereevaluated. There were four groups (G)  submitted to different levels feed restriction: Group 1 (G1)  animals that were fed for 120 days nonfasting (5% of body mass); Group 2 (G2)  animals submitted to partial fasting for 30 days (2% of body mass) and after 90 days nonfasting; Group 3 (G3)  animals submitted the partial fasting for 30 days (0,5% of body mass) and after 90 days nonfasting; Group 4 (G4) animals submitted to fasting for 30 days (0.0% of body mass) and after 90 days nonfasting.The results showed thata reduction in the diet of 2% and 0.5% of body mass during a period of fasting stimulated In G2 the total compensatory growth with 15 days of nonfasting through the muscle cells hypertrophy, G3 with 60 days and G4 with 90 days, being the last one a partial compensatory growth. Moreover, didn’t affect the hyperplastic growth of muscle cells in nonfasting, although it has stimulated an upward hyperplasia of muscle cells of G4 from the period of 60 days. The strategy of compensatory growth to the Amazonian catfish in the juvenile stage proved to be efficient with 30 days offasting and 90 days of nonfastinginducing the mechanism of muscle hypertrophy of Amazonian catfish. Therefore to evaluate the performance of the muscle cells associated with compensatory growthtechnique it can be helpful in the production system of fish farms.


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Como Citar

Cotrim, T. S., Fornari, D. C., Araujo, C. V., Magalhães, C. U. B., & Aguiar, D. H. (2016). The compensatory growth of skeletal muscle cells in Amazonian catfish (Pseudoplathystoma reticulatum female x Leiarius marmoratus male). Scientific Electronic Archives, 9(2), 53–66.



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