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Humanities and social sciences
Published: 2022-12-13

The master plan and the territorial expansion of the city of Rondonópolis-MT

Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis
Plano Diretor; Desenvolvimento Territorial; Espaço Urbano; Rondonópolis.


Planning constitutes an essential role in the execution of projects, in achieving objectives and goals, in all social spheres, and specifically in the organization of a city. The organization of a city can be carried out through a Master Plan, which represents an instrument that regulates, organizes, and develops measures to solve problems in various aspects of the city. Therefore, the objective of the work was to carry out a comparative analysis of the changes made to the Master Plans of the city of Rondonópolis, in the state of Mato Grosso, from 1994 to 2021. Considering that cities have an essential role for society, providing effectiveness in several sectors, such as services, cultural, social, environmental, educational, and data on its inhabitants, and for this control, it is necessary to build a Master Plan. The methodology used in the work was bibliographic and documentary research, with the application of research on official search sites, books, and documents that deal with the theme, as well as data from the archive of the city of Rondonópolis, one of the materials frequently consulted were the Municipal Laws 2,118/94, 4,788/2006, 6,693/2011 and 7,426/2012, of the city surveyed. It is concluded that it is necessary for the city to have administrative and technical competence, also relational, to carry out the effective construction of public policies, and actions that involve the implementation of the Master Plan, and consequently the development of the city. Still, it is observed that the city of Rondonópolis underwent significant transformations that contributed to the full development of territorial expansion.


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How to Cite

Negri, S. M. (2022). The master plan and the territorial expansion of the city of Rondonópolis-MT. Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(1).