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Health Science
Published: 2023-08-30

Occurrence of anemophilous fungi in the facilities of the Veterinary Hospital of the Agrarian Sciences Center at the Federal University of Paraíba

Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Fungal microbiota opportunists contamination immunosuppressed


Veterinary Clinics and Hospitals are spaces of intense flow of people and especially animals that are often immunosuppressed. These environments are subject to the presence of anemophilic fungi, which are pathogenic and represent a potential risk for all visitors to the hospital environment. Thus, the aim of the study was to isolate and identify anemophilic fungi present in the air of the Veterinary Hospital of the Agrarian Sciences Center of the Federal University of Paraíba (HV-UFPB) located in the municipality of Areia-PB, Brazil. The study was conducted in two stages, with two isolations performed in different months, February and July 2021, and nine sectors of the hospital were analyzed. For sample collection, the method of exposing Petri dishes containing Sabouraud Dextrose agar to the air was used, which were subsequently incubated for seven days. For identification, macroscopic and microscopic analyses were performed, observing the pigmentation, texture, and form of the colonies developed in vitro. After evaluation, ten genera of anemophilic fungi were found to be present, with the genus Cladosporium being more predominant. The results issue a warning to all visitors of the Veterinary Hospital, as well as other clinical and hospital environments, making it necessary to adopt more efficient methods of sanitation capable of reducing the presence of these microorganisms to the maximum.


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How to Cite

da Silva, V. M., Tenório de Souza, J. L. ., Souza da Cruz, G. P. ., Martins de Sousa, A. C. ., de Araújo Silva , P. G. ., Barbosa de Lacerda, L., … Maia, M. F. (2023). Occurrence of anemophilous fungi in the facilities of the Veterinary Hospital of the Agrarian Sciences Center at the Federal University of Paraíba. Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(9).