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Educação e Ensino
Publicado: 2022-11-30

"Theories - models of emotional intelligence"

Net Media Lab Mind - Brain R&D ΙΙΤ - N.C.S.R. "Demokritos" / Department of Special Education, University of Thessaly, Volos
N.C.S.R. Demokritos
Emotional Intelligence, theories, ICTs


Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is important in achieving the goals: personal and social of each person in synergy with general intelligence ( IQ). In this work, the prevailing models of theories and evaluation of S.N are presented, and the role of ICTs  in the application of their evaluation tools.


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Como Citar

Chaidi , I. ., & Drigas, A. (2022). "Theories - models of emotional intelligence". Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(12).