Artificial insemination in bovine


  • A. L. M Marinho
  • S. N. G. Socoloski
  • S. C. Gomes
  • R. dos Santos
  • B. G. Castro



Cow, artificial insemination, advantages


This literature review aims to show the main scientific advances achieved in the area of Artificial Insemination (AI) within animal reproduction and how these can improve reproductive efficiency and productive of the Brazilian cattle herd. With knowledge of the mechanisms involved in the control of reproductive physiology, in levels endocrine, cellular and molecular, it was possible the development of reproductive biotechnologies, standing out the IA, It has been used on a large scale, by allow the multiplication of  animals superior genetically , increase the birthrate and be particularly effective in adjusting the breeding season in cattle. Artificial insemination has an important role in animal genetic improvement; it is the main and more viable middle of spread of genes worldwide when compared to other methods how technologies of embryos and the natural breeding. There are several advantages in using artificial insemination in herd both of cutting as milkman, as herd genetic improvement in lesser time and at a low cost through the use of semen of demonstrably superior sires for production, well as in the control and decrease of diseases which entail reproductive losses and consequently productive, by allowing the creator The crossing of zebuine females with bulls of European breeds and vice-versa, through the use of semen, increasing the number of progeny of a reproducer superior

Biografia do Autor

S. C. Gomes



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Como Citar

Marinho, A. L. M., Socoloski, S. N. G., Gomes, S. C., dos Santos, R., & Castro, B. G. (2015). Artificial insemination in bovine. Scientific Electronic Archives, 9(1), 50–55.

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