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Ciências Agrárias
Publicado: 2012-11-20

Physical and Nutritional Characteristics of Pequi Fruit and Comparison of Different Methods for Extraction of their Lipids

Extraction nutritional value oil pequi


ABSTRACT: This study aimed to analyze the nutritional composition of the pequi fruit (Caryocar brasiliensis) and compare the performance of two extraction processes of lipids. The fruits were collected in two localities in Sinop - MT, in the maturation stage, before falling of the tree. Then were weighed whole, then fragmented to be dried and crushed. Then, we obtained the almond and a flour from the inner mesocarp with the thorny endocarp, which were analyzed for moisture, ash, fat, protein and total carbohydrates and hot and cold extraction of the lipids. Whole fruits and pyrenes had higher weight than site 1. The pequi presented a rich nutrition profile, especially for the high concentration of lipids (Almond: 45.42% in site to 01, 43.32% in site 02; flour: 34.73% in site 01, 38, 88% in site 02), a considerable quantity of protein (almond: 20.64% in site 01, 20.3% in site 02; flour: 3.67% in site, 4.03% in site 02). The almond proved richer in lipids, protein and minerals in comparison with the flour. The chemical composition of site 01 and site 02 differed in moisture and protein flour, and the moisture content of the almond. The hot method showed a yield higher than the cold method. The hot method extracted from sites 1 and 2, respectively, 73.4% and 73.5% more lipids from almond and 30.3% and 78.9% more from the flour.

Keywords: Extraction, nutritional value, oil, pequi.


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Como Citar

Torres, M., Doroteu, K., Valadão, D., Glusczak, L., & Agostini, J. (2012). Physical and Nutritional Characteristics of Pequi Fruit and Comparison of Different Methods for Extraction of their Lipids. Scientific Electronic Archives, 1(1), 6–10.