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Ciências Biológicas
Publicado: 2017-02-19

New Zealand's wetlands: Conservation and wise use

Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri
Marshes biodiversity endemism


 New Zealand is unique when it comes to landscapes and biodiversity, being one of the countries which has the highest numbers of endemism. With such vast diversity, wetlands play a key role maintaining many of these species and also providing essential ecosystem services for the local communities. However, New Zealand has been largely degraded on wetland areas in the last two hundred years, remaining only 10% of the original composition which brings a special attention to the country. In this case, this review provides an overview of New Zealand’s wetlands highlighting aspects such as definitions, uses, values, threats and management.


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Como Citar

Maranhão, H. L., & Sant’ana, L. P. (2017). New Zealand’s wetlands: Conservation and wise use. Scientific Electronic Archives, 10(1), 80–87.