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Ciências Biológicas
Publicado: 2018-06-04

Analgesic effect of epidural anesthesia with tramadol hydrochloride in rabbits submitted to implants of manioc starch blends and polyvinyl alcohol

Tramadol hydrochloride Rabbits Analgesic effect Implants of manioc starch blends


The objective of this study was to evaluate the residual analgesic effect of tramadol hydrochloride by the epidural route, as well as its systemic effects in the trans and post-anesthetic periods. The animals were submitted to dissociative anesthesia and divided into two groups anesthetized with and without tramadol by the epidural route. The variables of interest evaluated were heart and respiratory rate, rectal temperature, weight, interdigital and eyelid reflexes, ear pinching and sensitivity in the surgical wound, the same were analyzed in four stages: the first one corresponds from the clinical evaluation until after the application of the Epidural anesthesia (M0 to M2); The second is characterized by the trans-anesthetic period lasting two hours (M3 to M8); The third phase corresponds to the period of anesthetic recovery, which lasted 10 hours (M9 to M13), and finally, the last stage, analyzed 15 days after the start of the experiment (M14). With the proposed methodology, it can be concluded that tramadol provides a good analgesic condition for surgical procedures, quality of recovery, does not cause adverse effects and presents significant residual analgesia for up to 12 hours.


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Como Citar

Winter, D. C., Moraes, S. F. S., & Conceição, E. D. V. (2018). Analgesic effect of epidural anesthesia with tramadol hydrochloride in rabbits submitted to implants of manioc starch blends and polyvinyl alcohol. Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(3), 52–60.