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Ciências Agrárias
Publicado: 2019-12-02

Application of filter cake and poultry litter in the production of tomatoes for fresh

Centro Universitário de Votuporanga (UNIFEV)
Centro Universitário de Votuporanga (UNIFEV)
Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM)
Centro Universitário de Votuporanga (UNIFEV)
Lycopersicon esculentum lycopene organic fertilization


The tomato crop is the second most relevant in Brazil and of higher added value. The investment of fertilizer for the increase in the production of quality fruits is quite feasible, and for this we have been encouraged the use of organic fertilizers in order to improve the physical-chemical characteristics of the soil and increase the production in the cultivation of vegetables. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, containing 4 treatments: T0: control, T1: sugarcane filter cake; T2: poultry litter; T3: the combination of T1 and T2 in a ratio of 1: 1, with a fixed dose of 10 ton / ha for all treatments, 5 replicates and 5 plants per treatment, making a total of 100 plants. The design was a completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications.The variables studied were subjected to analysis of variance by the F test and the means were compared by the Duncan test (p <0.05). The analyzes were fresh fruit mass (yield), fruit height and width, soluble solids content, lycopene, beta - carotene, pH, ratio and leaf analysis. The fresh mass of the tomato fruit was higher in the treatment that corresponds to the combination between the sugarcane filter cake and the poultry litter, being approximately 25 tons per hectare, which indicated production superior to the other treatments, this can be verified, since these organic fertilizers contain nitrogen and potassium, which directly influenced the vegetative growth and fruit quality, as was verified in the soluble solids content and fruit size (height and width) of this same treatment. also superior to the others. The pH values did not vary statistically between treatments. As the pigment analysis found a higher beta carotene content compared to lycopene. t was concluded that the association of filter cake and poultry litter treatments is feasible due to the increased production obtained, and the use of these by-products for the production of vegetables may complement the chemical fertilizer due to the excellent physico-chemical properties , and these wastes from industries become less costly to the producer and is a way of taking advantage of something that would be discarded in nature.


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Como Citar

Juliano, P. H. G., Dias, T. V., Galati, V. C., & Fernandes, C. M. (2019). Application of filter cake and poultry litter in the production of tomatoes for fresh. Scientific Electronic Archives, 12(6), 5–12.