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Publicado: 2020-04-29

Economic overview of ornamental flowers and plants in Brazil

Universidade Federal do Maranhão
Universidade Federal do Maranhão
Consumption Flowers Market Production


This work aims to study the panorama of the floriculture and ornamental plants sector in Brazil, highlighting the main aspects related to area, production and distribution in the national scenario and consumption, the material used to obtain the data regarding the research carried out, was extracted from sources of research. Floriculture was an activity that was restricted only in the Southeast, more specifically in the State of São Paulo. Currently, due to the work of several institutions, this sector can be expanded to other regions of the country. Floriculture has great socioeconomic potential, generating jobs mainly for small producers. Although floriculture has great potential for expansion, it still has great difficulties due to the lack of habit of Brazilians in consuming flowers. The results showed that the domestic market generates a considerable source of income for the population in general, the ease of access of these products, makes the consumption of flowers in the country have gained more and more space, although it is very low in relation to other countries. Brazil has resulted in annual growth of 6.26% in recent years, moving around US $ 750 million per year, with a per capita consumption of US $ 4.70 and has 18,000 sales points throughout the country. The foreign market, however, has a remarkable growth, however, it needs to conquer much more space with other South American countries, corresponding to only 0.22% of the world market. Brazil exports to 40 destinations, with Holland being the largest buyer, followed by the United States. In 2011, Brazil exported US $ 20,699,521, 40.33% of which was related to ornamental plants, 48.37% for bulbs, rhizomes and similar, 3.67% fresh flowers and 7.63% of other products. It is concluded that there is a need to formulate strategies to manage in a way that the productive and commercial sectors grow in order to strengthen the market.


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Como Citar

Souza, J. N. C., Diniz, J. W. M., Silva, F. A. O., & Almeida, N. D. R. (2020). Economic overview of ornamental flowers and plants in Brazil. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(5), 96–102.