Comparison of the growth of promastigotes cellular lineages of Leishmania amazonensis by the sequential adaptation of Schneider's insect for RPMI 1640 medium culture.


  • V. C. F. Paiva Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • F. P. Careta



Leishmaniasis. Zoonosis. Cell Culture. Neglected Diseases.


Leishmaniases are neglected zoonoses transmitted by protozoan parasites belonging to the genus Leishmania. Because of this, research is being developed to find new drugs, for effective treatment, making it necessary to use liquid culture media to promote the growth of promastigotes forms of Leishmania. We sought to compare cell growth in an initial culture medium of 100% Schneider's Insect to a final culture medium containing 100% RPMI 1640, to reduce the cost of research, since RPMI is more accessible. The parasites were first cultivated in 100% Schneider's Insect medium, with a maximum number of 2.012x10⸠cells/mL, which were transferred, with an appropriate methodology, to media with lower concentrations of Schneider, with a maximum number of 2.35x10â·cells/mL for the lower concentration of Schneider. The 50%Schneider/50%RPMI concentration cells showed excellent cell motility and viability; however, in concentrations <50%Schneider, motility was compromised and, in 100%RPMI, the cells entered in the phase of decline.  With correct handling and constant repikes, the Leishmania amazonensis strains can adapt to the RPMI 1640 culture medium without much interference in its cellular viability, maintaining the morphological characteristics, even after exhaustive nutrient replacements and metabolites removal by centrifugation.


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Como Citar

Paiva, V. C. F., & Careta, F. P. (2019). Comparison of the growth of promastigotes cellular lineages of Leishmania amazonensis by the sequential adaptation of Schneider’s insect for RPMI 1640 medium culture. Scientific Electronic Archives, 12(6), 62–68.



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