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Agricultural Science
Published: 2020-10-05

Tomato seed biopriming with red seaweed extract

Universidade Federal Fronteira Sul
Universidade Federal Fronteira Sul
Embebição Qualidade fisiológica Solanum Lycopersicum Solieria spp.


High quality seeds are fundamental to the success of crops. Priming is a technique that can improve seed physiological quality, and can be done with various substances, including bioactive compounds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of biopriming with red algae on seeds of two tomato cultivars. The experiment was carried out in laboratory conditions. The variables analyzed were: germination; germination speed index, root and shoot length and seedling length by image analysis. Cultivar Rio Grande was not positively influenced by bioprimiing in general, with an inhibitory effect on root growth at 250 ppm, but with a positive effect on shoot length at 375. For cultivar Cereja, biopriming improved germination and shoot length at 375 ppm and larger seedling length were obtained at 125 ppm

How to Cite

Silva, M. B. P. da, & Silva, V. N. (2020). Tomato seed biopriming with red seaweed extract. Scientific Electronic Archives, 14(3), 28–36.