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Agricultural Science
Published: 2024-08-28

Apple pomace silage with different pre-drying periods in ensilage

Instituto Federal Catarinense, Campus Araquari
Instituto Federal Catarinense, Campus Videira
Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais, Campus Rio Pomba
agroindustry DM losses effluents lactic acid bacteria yeasts


The aim of the work was to evaluate silages produced with apple pomace with different pre-drying periods for ensiling. The treatments were different concentrations of dry matter (DM) after different periods of pre-drying, as follows: PS0: apple pomace without pre-drying; PS24: apple pomace pre-dried for 24 hours; PS48: apple pomace pre-dried for 48 hours and PS72: apple pomace pre-dried for 72 hours. The statistical design used was completely randomized, with four treatments and five replications, totaling 20 experimental silos. The density of the ensiled mass (kg m-3) changed with the treatments (P<0.01), with a quadratic decrease with the increase in the pre-drying period (PS48 and PS72), due to the higher DM content, consequently. DM losses, both in the form of gas, in % DM, and effluent, in kg t-1 of green mass (GM), were changed quadratically, according to the treatments (P=0.013 and P=0.021, respectively), with minimum points for silages with longer pre-drying periods. In the bromatological composition, there was an effect of pre-drying periods before ensiling on the concentrations of DM (P<0.01), crude protein (CP) (P=0.023), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) (P=0.021) and Lignin (LIG) (P=0.042). The values ​​of organic matter (OM) (P=0.159), mineral matter (MM) (P=0.101) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) (P=0.194) showed no significant effects for the treatments. The population dynamics of microorganisms differed at the time of opening, with differences for lactic acid bacteria, in UFC g-1 of silage, (P=0.024) and yeasts, in UFC g-1 of silage, (P=0.027), both fitting to the quadratic model. There was a treatment effect on silage pH (P<0.01), decreasing with longer pre-drying periods. Therefore, it is concluded that the pre-drying periods before ensiling for apple pomace alter the DM values ​​of the silages, influencing the fermentative parameters and mainly, the losses of dry matter, with 48 hours of pre-drying being recommended or d value 35% DM for apple pomace before ensiling.


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How to Cite

Campos, A. F., Rinaldi, B. J. D., & Fonseca, I. (2024). Apple pomace silage with different pre-drying periods in ensilage. Scientific Electronic Archives, 17(5).