The consumption of fruits and vegetables has increased worldwide as a function of modern society, look for an overall, healthier and more natural lifestyle. Therefore, the work evaluated as post-harvest characteristics of the 'Giombo' persimmon submitted to different types of vacuum packaging, verifying as quality variables: Mass Loss; Potential of Hydrogen (pH); Soluble Solids (SS). The persimmons were collected at the Company of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension - Emater Anápolis / GO, and analyzes were carried out at the Post Harvesting Drying and Storage Laboratory of the Agricultural Engineering course, belonging to the State University of Goiás – Henrique Santillo Exact and Technological Sciences Campus, where they were selected, sanitized with sodium hypochlorite solution 2% NaClO, processed, submitted to different types of packaging and maintained in BOD with RU of 40% and 8.0 ± 1.4 °C for 18 days . It was used in experiment the CRD - Completely randomized design, in a factorial scheme 3 x 7 (packages x days of analysis), with 3 replicates. The persimmons were submitted to different vacuum packages, being control (without packaging), Polypropylene - PP and Low Density Polyethylene - LDPE. As the evaluation was performed every 3 days, for a period of 18 days (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 days). The data originated were submitted to analysis of variance (P <0.05) and, when significant, were performed in Tukey tests, at 5% probability, and regression, using SISVAR 5.3 Software. Based on the evaluations, it was concluded that 'Giombo' persimmons stored under different vacuum packages provided a positive effect throughout the storage, highlighting the LDPE treatment, which had preserved postharvest characteristics such as mass loss, soluble solids and pH more effectively.
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