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Ciências Agrárias
Publicado: 2013-03-07

Classification for Tolerance and the Storage to Desiccation Seed Cassia fistula L.

storage seed viability


Abstract: The Knowledge of behavior of seed during storage is essential to maintain their viability for a long time. Therefore, this study aimed to classify the seeds of Cassia fistula on the storage capacity and desiccation-tolerance. The seeds were dried in sealed containers with silica gel to obtain 5% moisture content, and then the germination tests were carried out in Petri dishes with agar, placed in growth chamber at 30 C. Seeds were classified using adapted protocol from Ellis and Hong (1996). The seeds of this species are desiccation-tolerance and can be classified as orthodox, because, even after being placed in low temperature did not lose their viability.

Keywords: storage, seed, viability.


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Como Citar

Pelissari, F., Silva, C. J., & Vieira, C. V. (2013). Classification for Tolerance and the Storage to Desiccation Seed Cassia fistula L. Scientific Electronic Archives, 2, 1–5.